I Still Got It. Hahahahaha.

July 17, 2012

On Saturday afternoon I was doing some extra work (cleaning carpets) for my uncle in a law office building I sometimes help clean in Haddonfield, New Jersey. It was an arts fair day so the front of the building and the whole street was closed down and filled with vendor’s tents. My co-worker and I would take breaks outside and catch a smoke.


One of those breaks a beautiful Japanese woman came up to me real friendly asking how I was. Since her and her friend were dressed in similar floral print dresses and she was holding what looked like a post card in her hand I assumed she was going to try and sell me something. My co-worker complimented her pretty dress and I nodded in agreement. She kept smiling and making semi-flirtatious small talk and I was still waiting for a sales pitch that never came.


She asked me what work I was doing after asking me why I was there. I told her cleaning carpets. She smiled and said that was much better then working at the mall. The whole encounter only lasted about 5 minutes and she said goodbye and it was great to see me again. Again? As she was walking away in the distance it hit me that I knew her. She used to be a customer of mine when I was a server at a restaurant at the mall. A regular customer of mine. I used to know her by name. Damn, she is beautiful.


There I was with a beautiful sexy young woman flirting with me and I not only did nothing about it but I didn’t even know what was going on. This has happened many times before especially the not knowing a woman was into me until after the fact usually when someone tells me. I guess my self esteem is low, my memory is bad and I forgot what it’s like to be around women. Things are going to change. I mean to say things are going to change even more or I’m going to miss out on some prime opportunities in life.

To quote the great Ralph Malph from Happy Days “I still got it.”.

Angel Train and a Cup of Joe

March 16, 2012

Sometimes I think she’s the prettiest girl alive. She might be. She certainly is to her boyfriend (I hope). Long black hair. Big brown eyes. Petite and well proportioned. I’ve never had a real life conversation with her. I haven’t even physically seen her in a couple of years. I rarely see her post on facebook. I rarely think about her. This has little to do with my story except it’s about her. Carmella or Bailey. The 2 names I’ve assigned to her for anonymity sake. She is still my guardian angel. I only have interactions in my dreams and they are not always significant either. She’s in my life and subconscious for a reason.


Her face was the last one I saw before my alarm went off at 7 am this morning. I woke up with a smile. The thought of her always gives me a smile. My dreams of her always give me a smile. Maybe I should think of her more so I smile more.


The dream wasn’t anything out there or cosmic. It was a dream of hanging out with a bunch of friends after an unrelated dream. Half of the friends I knew and half I didn’t. Only Joe, Brian and Seth were actual real friends from real life. The rest were acquaintances and people I’ve seen before like Bailey who I choose to call my guardian angel. We were all riding a train going ot an event of some kind. A concert, a parade, a convention. It was some event I normally wouldn’t go to and ride a train to. I was hanging mostly with Joe. He was out of character. Not at first.


Joe was his usual self drinking a coffee and letting me talk when I spotted Bailey. I wanted to point her out to him because I’ve talked to him more than anyone about her. He seemed too distracted by the people and the good time and tuned me out. This wasn’t the unusual part. Just as I was trying to tell him about my guardian angel personified he chugged a 5 hour energy drink and as we got off the train Joe ran off into the distance forcing me back in the crowd next to Bailey and a girlfriend of hers that I have spoken to but didn’t know real well. I was forced by the crowd to exit the train next to Bailey. I told her what Joe had just done.


“He drank all of that coffee and a 5 hour energy drink on an empty stomach? That’s crazy. No wonder he’s running off with all of that temporary energy.” Bailey spoke to me for the first time in what I perceived as real life in my dream.


How did she know all of the details when I didn’t know them all? I was just overjoyed that she spoke to me and said something back to her to make her smile. She has the brightest happiest smile that made me smile more. The damned alarm went off before  could talk to her more. That’s all I wanted.


But still, I woke up with a smile and felt compelled to write about it. About her.


Is it possible to be in love with someone I don’t know? Or am I just in love with the Bailey that appears in my dreams? I’m not even sure what love is. This dream and my thoughts of her will fade within the day and it’ll probably be months before I think or dream of her again but I know she’ll be back. I wonder what this means. Then again I wonder a lot of things.

Excerpt from The Official History of Tomorrow’s Dream page 36

March 13, 2012

NOTE: This is an excerpt from the book I wrote way back in January  2018 and published in May 2020.

I was in no position to take any of Halloway’s shit after a 5-day binge on cooked Euro-celery root and the headaches. God damned headaches.

First thing he comes on with I should start off with the incision from the carnie side of the cerebral influx not remembering yesterday’s lesson about shape shifting and hemorrhoids from Dr Ghastling. Halloway was a real stinker like my pappy said.

No effects on the vortex even if instantly watching unlimited moving pictures for a quarter had nothing to do with the skunk hangover of the patented patient. Fades faster to pinwheels and the smell of audacious ringmasters.

Holloway’s brother-in-law, Chromebook had no jurisdiction on this side of Camden yet he bullied Frank and his sister incessantly for information just to get an emotional contact high. It’s been known that in some hidden forgotten satanic circles that emotional vampires take authoritative forms such as lawmen so they can put the squeeze on faster and easier.

No one noticed my scalpel shaking in my appendage while rotating the blade diagonally against Dr Halloway’s orders. Shit. The necroband anesthesia was wearing off. I needed a hit before the patient. He was just a meat baby anyway. An adult bodystocking. He signed the papers so it was all on the up and up. The operation was.

“I hate to brag.” I said which is untrue. I love to brag.

“I’ve once had a hunchback on the table break out in rage when he woke up to see his intestinal visceral in my hand.”

Halloway finally shut up and listened as he injected the patient with 1,200 milligrams of Delaudid so I could continue my jackhammer approach differing from anything I did before on a patient.

“The hunchback grabbed his insides out of my fingers and sniffed them mumbling something about malpractice and I was more afraid of the word malpractice than I was of this monster waving his insides out and about.”

Halloway rode my ass a little more while I tried to finish my tale telling me to concentrate on the surgery at hand. It was my hand at hand so I shoved him and he knocked nurse Mia into my Nitro supplies. Instead of freaking I grabbed her and told her to get orders out to clean the mess and fill out proper procedure forms for sexual harassment against Halloway. I’d back her up and say I saw him touch her thighs in protest against the patient’s skullectemy. As she left I tucked mr meat baby’s skeptic under his rear circular lobe.

“No malpractice here Mr Moto. Now sit the fuck back and let’s put you together.’ I had to use the ball peen hammer to knock him out because a needle wouldn’t hit the mainline fast enough. The Nurse at hand did the injection shit and I did my Indian Healing Dance before shoving his yuck yucks back in his body. I had to reach down his throat manually to find a piece of his Duodenum lodged in there. I used a pocket sewing kit my daughter had given me for Saint Patricks Day to get the insiders job inside before closing him up. Sometimes you have to make due with whats available. You ever hear of Seward’s Theory of Skull Unification and Carcass Connection?”

I looked Halloway in the eye and asked again. He hurried off forgetting his final instructions to wind up the wound with scarfree tape. He also left his bottle of vodka.

Sheriff Jejun got wise to ole Chromebook’s iniltration on his turf. If anyone is going to shake Frank and Jane’s beans it’s going to be him. He needed the fix more than his rival Chrombook. Jejun was more of a gentle emotional werewolf draining the families only 3 nights a month and usually while they slept so they were better form now knowing. An after effect of an emotional werewolf is more like a night out one ecstasy the next day. Slight discomfort and spinal shaking. The vampire however drains you until the point of death then releases you. Sometimes the vampire works slowly over the course of several days maybe even a week. It takes weeks to recover.

The battle between Jejun and Chromebook goes back centuries worse than any invisible underground catastrophe imaginable.

I think Halloway is an emotional vampire afraid to show his colors in the office, which explains his pent up anger, and skin corrosion.  I guess I’m warning you less subtly then I do my comrade Doctors and nurses. Fuck the doctors. Their mostly hacks and dictator individualists that have no talent just training. Don’t get me started on the nurses and the pandemonium that ensues just looking at one.

As Mr Lloyd Johnson used to say “They are all antidotes for an erection”.

Don’t hide or run. Stay put and all will be as it can under the knife

Bump Bang Bye – A Poem

February 27, 2012

Events cruising like Al Pacino through

Mutated sexual caravans filled with

Like-minded creatures of the day light

Bump Bump Bump


Her affordable anguish seems to cost

Her fiancé more than her

Mangle is such a felicitous word

Bang Bang Bang


Aortic anvils drop

Falls rapidly in the ruins

It’s delightful to my

Sad eyes

Bye Bye Bye


Exotic dumplings

Fancy affair









Vanity or Sanity?

February 17, 2012

“I’ll trade your vanity for my sanity.” I said to Marcus in 1995.

We never made the trade.

I’ve had another blah day today. I had to do a “Stress test” at my Cardiologist early this morning. My mom likes to take me there to make sure I am ok etc. I slept at my mom’s last night.

I was instructed not to drink caffeine for 12 hours before and no smoking after midnight last night. Yes, I have a heart condition and I started smoking again. Not even close to half as much as I used to. I don’t drink that much coffee. But that’s not the point. It was rough waking up and staying up then going for a stress test. I was stressed from not having coffee and smoking.

I was there for over 3hours and or was mostly waiting around and 2 photo sessions after putting fluid in me for the machine. The only “test” I took was a 10-15 minute treadmill until my hear rate was up to 150 beats a minute. The Doctor was fun to look at except for her wedding ring. Well, it was a nice wedding ring. You get the idea.

I left there so groggy for some reason. Mom took me food shopping. She took me. I paid. Ha. Then we did lunch and I finally bought a coffee. A “French Toast Latte” actually, with 4 shots of espresso. I drank up and had a smoke finally. Ahh. I drank the whole thing and my ass was still dragging.

I came home with mom. I sleep here some Friday nights so I can help my uncle Saturday mornings. I helped my mom with a few things and cleaned out my broken down car in her driveway. I donated it to Purple Heart and they are picking it up on Monday.

It’s a sad loss. I loved that car but it needs too much work and I can’t afford it right now. I did score a bunch of coins from it. SO I took a walk to the bank to cash them in. TD bank charges 6% on the coin machine if you don’t have an account with them. I’ve and accounts with them for years even when they were Commerce Bank and they never charged. Now I don’t have an account and they charged me over a dollar and I ended up with just under 17 dollars. Oh well, it was still found money.

I took a walk into town to get some smokes and splurge on a Starbucks coffee (half decaf at this point) since I had some extra money. Chatted with the friendly kid at CVS I see every week about cigarettes mostly. My old friend from when I worked at Starbucks was working and we chatted it up a bit. One of the girls I used to see there almost every night a couple years back looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back. I used to think she was cute. She still is. I just don’t always think about these things all of the time. Just at my Doctor today.

“Are you the same guy..?” She asked then paused.

“That used to be her every night? Yes.” I answered.

“You lost a lot of weight. You look great.” She said.

I thanked her and almost told he she looked good too but wasn’t sure if that’s what I’m supposed to say or not anymore. I talked to her while she made my drink.

“You used to drive that big red car right?” She asked.

“Yeah. I’m not driving it now.” I said.

“What are you driving?”


“Where do you live now?”


“Where’s that?”

“ It’s on the edge of Camden near Collingswood. Where do you live?”


“Cool. Nice seeing you again.”

“Great to see you. Stop in more.”

I took my drink in a great mood. I gained a little of my weight back in the past month and have been a little self-conscious. I hadn’t shaved in a week and my hair was un-kept today so “looking good” was the last thing on my mind. It felt good to hear it. When I first lost the weight after a month or so recovering from my heart surgery months ago I was so confident. I was able to wear clothes I couldn’t fit into for over 4 years. That faded away fast with other priorities making me forget.

It occurred to me that I didn’t even feel bad about not having a car or even a job because “I looked good” to quote my friend John, even when I was at my worst.

I guess it was a good day. Because other people’s opinion’s of my looks makes me feel better than my accomplishments.

In reality I’d rather have created something like a piece of art, poetry or a novel than look good but I was nice to hear it.

I’ll keep my sanity (the little I have) and you can keep your vanity.


September 1, 2011

Herb sat on the curb for hours in the direct sunlight. The 100 degree temperatures didn’t bother him anymore. Nothing bothered him as he nodded off in what he thought was a heroin chic fashion. Herb looked like a street bum in his dirty ripped sweater and baggy corduroys. His face was yellow with a coat of sweat glued like mucus on his skin. He was unshaved and his dirty blonde hair was greasy hanging over his shoulders. He was out cold but the sweat was dripping like a retarded full body fountain inside of him. A 24-year old that looked like he was 40. He wasn’t alone.


Sarah sat next to him in a summer dress that was once meant to be colorful and comfortable. It was faded and stained under her leather jacket. She wore engineer boots over her unshaved legs to top off the winter look in July. She was still awake and waiting. Waiting for something. Or was it someone? She grabbed the last warm cheap opened beer and took a sip and spotted someone.


A man crossed the street towards her. Towards them. She forgot about Herb already. She hid her beer quickly as if it were the police approaching her but it was more of a quick hide to get what she needed. Part of what she needed. As the handsome casually dressed man approached her she stood up as fast as her dehydrating dope sick body could.


“Hey. Remember me?” She asked the man.


“Uhh. No. Sorry” he said.


“You bought me a few beers last week and…”


“Sorry. I have to go.”


I don’t think he remembered her but if he did he wanted to forget her and avoid her.


“Can I get a few dollars from you?” she asked.


The man stopped. He thought for a moment while looking at her and smiled. A change in mind.


“We can work out a nice deal and you’ll get more than a few dollars.” He said.


Sarah looked at Herb who was now awake singing some song about Jesus staring into space. She shrugged him.


“Herbie. I’ll be right back. I’m going to earn a little money from this guy. Ok?” she asked.


By the time she finished telling Herb he was asleep again. She left him there and got into a cab with the man.


His name was Brad. He loved sex. He figured that he’d take Sarah to a motel outside of the city and wash her up first then have his way with her. He had the money to spend and in his mind he was doing a service. Washing, feeding and paying Sarah for sex was better than throwing a dollar in her cup on the street. He’ll take care of her for an hour or so and go back to work.


An hour or so later Brad dropped Sarah off on the curb where she found him and left in the cab. Brad was dropped off about 6 blocks away at a coffee shop. He decided to take the rest of his busy day off. He didn’t even need to call work. They knew he’d be back the next day. He approached the counter and stopped to think a minute,


“Large boiler maker Brad?” the cute awkward girl with the apron behind the counter asked.


“Sure Sue.” Brad answered.


Sue rang up his order excited that Brad remembered her name forgetting that she wore a nametag. Another taller and heavier woman named Carrie made Brad’s drink. She knew how to make it best and was eager to please Brad. All of the coffee shop girls were. He only slept with one of them so far and she wasn’t there.


Brad grabbed his coffee and gave a secret tip to Sue and Carrie. He paused like he was going to sit down. Sue and Carrie were watching his every move. Brad walked out the door into the blazing hot city sun.


“OMG. I love when Brad stops in.” Carrie said.


“I don’t know whether I like his tips or his looks better.” Sue said.


“I would never date and older man except for him.”


“I just want to fuck him”


“Yeah. Me too.”


“Andrea was lucky o get that.”




They laughed and went back to work ringing up and making coffee after coffee. Making each customer smile with their great attitudes and sincere smiles. They were great at their job. When it slowed down Sue went through the shop to clean up the condiment area and gather trash.


“Hey Gary. How’s the novel coming?” Sue asked a customer sitting with his laptop on a couch.


“Hey Sue. I didn’t see you coming. I’m still writing.” Gary said.


“I love what you’ve read to me so far. I can’t wait to read it when it’s finished.”


“You’ll be top of the list of complimentary copies when it’s published.”




“Haha. Of course, Sue. Of course.”


Sue touched his shoulder and smiled as she moved on cleaning. Gary thought of asking her out for brief moment but went back to writing instead. He was in what he referred to as the “zone”. Gary’s novel was his version of the great American novel. The same goal of many successful and even more failed writers.


The novel was called Pictures of Karen. It was about a man named Doty and his life long obsession with Karen. The one that got away. Doty kept tabs on Karen since his early twenties. It’s actually a love story but Gary will have to finish it and you’ll have to read it to decide.


Gary’s novel starts off with:


“I’ve never loved. I never loved the way I loved her. I thought I loved before and before and once more or so. Not the way. Not the way I loved her. Love her. Love. Her name was Karen. Still is as far as I know. I’ve known her since grade school, maybe even longer. We lived next door to each other for almost 18 years. I watched her get older and mature. I always watched Karen.


We used to play house when we were 10 or 11 years old. It was Karen’s version of playing house. She reversed the roles. I had to squeeze into her sister Ann’s clothes. Her sister was only a year older and not much bigger than Karen. Karen even made me wear her sister’s underwear. This explains my cross-dressing and love for women’s underwear, as I got older. Karen would wear my clothes including my underoos. I usually wore Star Trek underoos with Kirk and Spock. I wanted Sulu or Uhura but they only had Spock and Kirk. The were baggy on Karen’s little body as opposed to Ann’s tight cotton panties and a bra on my chubby frame.


Karen pretended that she came home from work and I was supposed to cook dinner. We used a kid’s cook set with Play-Doh. Well I did. I cooked and set the table. She kissed me when she came to the table. We usually played when no one was home at her house. The last time we played it was a terrifying experience that may have scarred me for life.


We just finished playing house and were getting undressed before anyone got home. We were down to our underwear and Karen’s bedroom door burst open. It was Karen’s sister Ann. She laughed at first. We tried to get dressed and she stopped us.


“No. Stay. You 2 are going to do what I say or I’m telling mom and dad and yours too Doty.” Ann said.


Ann forced us to –“


Gary caught Sheila “the bird lady” reading over his shoulder. Sheila was a regular at the coffee shop and out of her mind. She was tall and skinny and looked like Big Bird. Some people called her “Jesus lady” because she was always handing out religious leaflets and preaching about Jesus. She was whispering his words in his ear. He looked at her and was speechless.


“You heathen!” Sheila exclaimed.


“Hi Sheila.” Gary said quietly.


“Your child pornography stories are going to send you straight to Hell.”


“It’s just a fictional novel, Sheila. It’s about innocent kids.”


“It’s child pornography.”


Gary looked up and saw the customers staring and Sue looked over and shrugged her arms. He closed his laptop and put it away, grabbed his cup and walked briskly out the door.


Sheila soon forgot about him and went back to the counter and ordered her 3rd refill of iced decaf coffee for the day so far. She put on a sweater and a raincoat and headed outside with no destination in mind. She only had a few leaflets left and wanted to give them to the right people.


She walked a block and stopped on the corner and tried to hand out her leaflets telling people that Jesus is coming and they need to be saved. Most people avoided her like a kid avoids a dentist. It took her almost an hour to get rid of her leaflets. She still had some iced decaf coffee in her hand. It looked like rusty water at this point. The temperature was reaching 104 degrees and it seemed to keep going. Sheila headed back to the coffee shop.


As she walked a head poked out of a cab yelling “Hey bird lady. When is the world going to end this time?” It seemed she was well known, especially for her predictions of Armageddon. She had a new date almost every month it seemed. She hasn’t been right yet but who knows?


Carl was the guy yelling out of the cab. Carl knew Sheila the bird lady from the coffee shop and the streets. His small pudgy belly moved fast along with his breath from yelling. He was out of shape middle age man. He was in the cab with his work buddy Bobby. Bobby was a handsome tall blond that has managed to remain in the closet for 42 years. He’s had a crush on Carl since their first run in at the Law office when Bobby first started 3 years ago. He could never figure out whether Carl was gay or not. Carl was single and seemed to hang out with and spend nights with men more than women. He’s a very masculine man so Bobby’s gaydar was thrown off. They worked a few floors apart but talked a lot on the elevator after work. They eventually started hanging out. Carl’s guy friends also threw off Bobby’s radar. He never had the courage to just ask and after 3 years it was even tougher.


They were on their way to lunch at the Browley Towers Bar and Grille. They both liked the food and the beer selection was pretty good. They walked in like they owned the place. At times they felt like they did because of the way they were treated.


Carl ordered the caramelized onion stuffed flounder with glazed pineapple. Bobby ordered a rare filet mignon with a butter fluffed potato and mushroom sauce. They both ordered the newest beer the bar listed. This one was a Russian beer called Tinkoff.


“What do you think it means in Russian?” Bobby asked.


“Tinkle I assume. It tastes like tinkle.” Carl said.


Bobby smiled but didn’t laugh. He thought it tasted pretty good.


“I never thought of a guy like you saying the word tinkle.” Bobby said.


“Ha. I’m full of surprises. Wait. What do you mean a guy like me?”


“Ha. You know. Kind of macho.”




“It’s a good thing Carl.”




They laughed and finished their food and continued drinking. Carl paid the check with the corporate credit card and pulled out a wad of cash for the tip. Bobby thanked him for lunch. His mind wandered to his crush on Carl. He was feeling pretty buzzed and wanted to tell him now. He made up his mind.


“Can we have a few more drinks and talk, Carl?”


“Uhh.. Yeh, let me call Marie and tell her I won’t be back in the office for another hour or 2.”


As Carl made his call Bobby was getting nervous and practicing what he was going to say in his head. Was he going to chicken out? Carl got off his phone and ordered more beer.


“Hey Carl. You know I’m gay and all, right? Have you ever wondered if I liked you?”


“Uhh. Well the way you look at me sometimes I get a feeling from you. “


“Well I have to tell you. . .”


The waiter interrupted and handed them their beers and walked away. The waiter’s name is Phil. He is an older man in his 50’s waiting tables. He is also an actor whenever he can find work. You might remember him from that TV commercial with the guy dressed as grape selling car insurance. Phil was they grape. It was played a lot for a few months on as many slots as it could fill. Phil’s been in a lot plays and made many appearances on movies as an extra. He will keep acting until he dies whether he makes a living off of it or not.


“I think I interrupted a gay man proposing to another.” Phil said.


“No way.” Stan answered.


Stan was a stunning young black college student majoring in Economics. He was there to pay for part of his school. He also liked all of the women he meets. He had a gift with the ladies.


“It looked that way. They’ve been coming here 5 days a week for years. They seem very chummy. Extra chummy. You know?”


“I guess it makes sense. How’s that work? Can men get married to each other in this state? I don’t know much about gay people.”


“You know I’m gay right, Stan?”


“Uhh. I do now. Thanks for sharing.”


“You never suspected me?”


“No man. I thought you were just a lonely old workaholic.”


“Ha. Thanks.”


“I am a little freaked by all of this but I guess that’s life. Can you watch my tables for a few minutes Phil?”


“Can’t handle it Stan?”


“No. I’m cool. Just want to grab a smoke and take out the trash.”


Stan walked away into the kitchen and grabbed the trash to take out back to the dumpster. The air outside was so humid all he could smell was the rotting food in the dumpster and he gagged a little and threw the bags of trash into the dumpster. He walked around the corner to have a cigarette.


“Got an extra smoke man?” a dirty man with a winter coat and wool hat named Gerald asked.


Stan knows Gerald from hanging by the dumpster for his smoke breaks.


“Hey Gerald. Of course. Here ya go.” Stan said.


“Why you out here in this heat Stan?”


“I needed a smoke. Little shell shocked from something.”


“What could shock you?”


“Oddly enough gay people. I just found our Phil was gay. I’ve been working with him over a year and he showed no signs.”


“Signs? Hahahaha. What signs do you expect? Pink underwear and fuzzy boas?”


“Nah man. No mannerisms. I don’t know. He just seemed normal. I mean heterosexual.”


“Who cares whether he slurps a rod instead of chewin clam? You’ve known him for a while and he’s still the same guy.”


“Yeah. I know. I’ll get over it.”


“Hey ya gotta dollar for me today?’


“Heh. Yeah. You’re the cheapest therapist around Gerald.. Thanks.”


Stan handed him a 10 dollar bill.


“Thank you Stan. See ya round.”


Gerald walked to the liquor store and bought the best bottle of whiskey he could find for 10 dollars. Every customer stared at him as he walked through the store and to the counter. The guy behind the counter was shocked that Gerald had money and was being polite for a change. He was a little slower than usual because of the heat.


“Hey buddy, take this and promise me that you’ll drink the whole thing. It’s hot out there and I don’t want you dying from dehydration.” A total stranger standing behind him said.


He handed him a giant bottle of water and told the cashier he’d pay for it. Gerald nodded a thank you and walked out of the store into the now 105 degree temperature outside.


The stranger’s name was Billy. He watched Gerald walk out and open the bottle of whiskey the minute he hit the sidewalk. Billy put his beer on the counter.


“You ever wonder how someone becomes like that?” Billy asked the cashier.


“No. I just sell booze.”


“I always wondered what makes a homeless person become that way.”


“Not me. Next in line please.”


Billy left with his beer contemplating the homeless and how good his life is and what would happen in his life to put him in that position. Billy headed down the street and gave a few more bottles of water to every homeless person he saw. Most of them weren’t too grateful because they wanted drugs and alcohol. He wanted to do something nice on his way home. He still was wearing his suit from his morning job interview. It was the only one he owned and every hot summer day like this one was ruining it slowly. Billy’s shirt and pants were wet with sweat. He only had a few blocks left to his apartment. He felt good but couldn’t wait to get out of the suit and kick back and have a few beers and watch a little TV before his dinner date.


It was a first date with a girl he met on a dating web site called sympathydating.com. The idea was you never knew which one of you was getting the sympathy. Billy hoped she’d be the way she looked on her profile and connected in person the way they did online. Her name was Nancy.


He got home and changed into shorts and a wife beater. Billy sat on his giant recliner and leaned back as he turned on the TV. He opened a beer and took a big sip. He flipped the channels and all he could seem to find were Judge shows. He thought about renting a movie on demand. He thought about masturbating. The phone rang.


“Yo.” Billy answered.


“It’s Harris. I’m outside. Let me in.” Harris said.


Billy opened the door and Harris came in from the hot temperatures. Harris was dressed for the heat in shorts and a light button up shirt. He made himself at home but Billy didn’t care. They’ve been friends for so long they were at home with each other.


Harris pulled out a baggy of marijuana and loaded his glass pipe. He took a huge hit and handed it to Billy. Billy did the same and got up and grabbed Harris a beer. They drank and smoked for a while.


“Ready for the big date tonight?”


“I guess. We’re meeting at a coffee shop and then going off to dinner.”


“Excited or scared?”


“Not really. The same old drill. Coffee conversation will reflect where we go t dinner and how much I want to spend. We eat then either hang out or bail. Either I get lucky or I don’t. Then we either have another date or we don’t. Same thing over and over.”


“I don’t miss being single when I think about all of the pain in the ass games and work involved.”


“Then why do you complain about your wife all the time?”


“You hear me complaining now?”


“Good point.”


They smoked a little more and Harris left so Billy could get ready.


Harris hit the heated city streets and decided he wasn’t ready to go home yet and stopped at the coffee shop around the corner. Sue and Carrie were still working. Sue took his order and Carrie made it. They didn’t know him as well as the other customers but they recognized him as the guy that hits on every girl he sees in the coffee shop.


“A small triple shot Cappuccino, please.” Harris said.


“Coming up. That’ll be $3.98” Sue said


Harris reached in his back left pocket to get his wallet and it was gone. He started freaking and checked his other pockets. He remembered leaving it at his mom’s house before he went to see Billy.


“Uh. You’re not going to believe this but I forgot my wallet.”


“Do you want me to make a tab and just get me next time. I’ve seen you here before.”


A woman’s hand appeared with 4 dollar bills from behind and handed it to Sue.


“I got it” The woman said.


“No. that’s ok. I can skip it.” Harris said.


“It’s no big deal. It happens to all of us at least once. Just Pay it forward.”


“Thank you.”


“No problem.”


Harris decided to sit down and enjoy the buzz he was on from Billy’s house. The woman who paid for his drink sat down next to him.


“This seat taken?” The woman asked.


“Nah. Sit down. Thanks again for the coffee.”




“Right. Thanks for the cappuccino.”


“Like I said, do it for someone else. Pay it forward.”


“Oh. Like that movie?”


“Basically. Hi. My name is Nancy.”


“Hi. I’m Harris.”


“You are Harris or your name is Harris.”




They talked for about an hour or so and really hit it off. Sue and Carrie were watching. They liked to observe the customers especially if it looked like they were hitting it off.


“Listen. I had a really great time talking to you and I’d love to do it again but I am meeting a sort of blind date here in a few minutes and it might look bad.” Nancy said.


“Blow him off and we’ll go out to dinner.”


“Are you telling me or asking me?”



“You’re married. Aren’t you?”


“Uh. Yeah. The ring must have given it away eh?”


“Yes. You’re too nice to be single. I assumed you were married or gay.”




They laughed.


“You’re pretty entertaining and I have a date so uh. . ’


“Wait a minute. Are you meeting a guy named Billy?”


“Yes. Well, he told me his name was William. How did you know?”


“He’s my best friend. I was just at his house and he told me he’s meeting a girl here. You seem too interesting and are way too beautiful to be dating online.”


“Well, I don’t do it often but it’s worth a try.”


“Billy’s a good guy. You’ll like him.”


“Is he as entertaining as you Harris?”


“He’s different. You’ll like him.”


Harris said his goodbye and was headed to the door when Billy came in.


“What are you dong here Harris?”


“I was ah . . warming up Nancy for you.”


“Wha. . .?”


“Just kidding. I just happen to run into her and. .”


“You didn’t make any of your famous moves did you?”


“I started to until we figured out she was waiting for you.”


“Oh and then you just pulled back after charming the panties off of her?’


“I told her I was married. She told me she was waiting for you. That was that.”


“That was that, huh?”




“Ok. Wish me luck.”


“You don’t need it. She’ll love you Billy.”




Harris left and Billy approached Nancy. Sue and Carrie were still watching in between making drinks and taking orders. They knew Billy too.


“Wow that girl is popular.” Sue said.


“Yeah, I think she was waiting for Billy when that other guy made the moves on her.”


“You guys analyzing customers again?” Roberta the manager interrupted.


The girls nodded and went back to work. Roberta made her point. She wasn’t a strict manager. She just liked to bust stones now and then. She was a beautiful tall black woman in her 30s with a big chest. Customers loved her.


“I’m going to run to the bank. Carl is in charge until I get back. Please don’t break his balls.” Roberta said.


“Will you be back before we leave?” Sue asked


“I should be. If not make sure you count your money on the register and give it to Carl to count and clock you out. Carrie. I need you to refill everything and brew fresh coffee before you leave.” Roberta said.


“Ok.” Sue said.


“No problem. Have good day if I don’t see you.” Carrie said.


“Thanks ladies.”


Roberta headed towards the door with the bank deposit in her hand. Passing Billy and Nancy in the middle of the shop laughing. She smiled at them and out the door. As she turned the corner towards the bank she saw a guy and girl sitting along the wall of the coffee shop begging for change. It was Sarah and Herb. They moved the 6 blocks to the coffee shop. Looking at Herb you wonder how he even moved in the heat and his condition. The temperature lowered back down to 100 degrees. Roberta looked at them for a minute with disgust.


“You guys can’t sit here begging for change. You need to leave.” Roberta told them.


“Ok. Can we wait a few minutes? It’s really hot.” Sarah said.


“No. Leave now or I call the police.” Roberta said.


Sarah nudged Herb to wake him up as she drank the last of her bottled water Billy gave her earlier and the warm bear as a chaser. She stood up and grabbed her bag and was more aggressive in getting Herb to move. It wasn’t working so she started kicking him and yelling at him in the most annoying ear shattering voice you can imagine. He opened his eyes and looked at her and nodded back off.


“Wake up. We have to leave ya piece of shit.”


Roberta was long gone but Sarah knew she’d be back and they better find another spot. The day was winding down and the sun was going down. She finally grabbed Herb and pulled him onto his feet and he barely stood up and followed her.


It was still 100 degrees as Sarah and Herb stumbled down the city streets as the sunset.










No Humanitarian Awards for me But . . .

August 29, 2011

“One of the marks of superior people is that they are action-oriented. One of the marks of average people is that they are talk-oriented.” — Brian Tracy

This has to be the worst quote I have ever seen. Self-righteous Egotistical. Presumptuous.

I don’t know who Brian Tracy is. Maybe I’ll look it up later. It doesn’t matter. The point is I wonder what kinds of people see superiority as an attribute. I looked it up he’s a self help guru and apparently a bad one.

It’s one thing to want to succeed. To better yourself. Why the need to feel superior? It’s like saying you want to be better than another person. Superior. If you’re not superior then you’re inferior.

I wonder if Brian Tracy is a Nazi or White Supremest or a clansman. I my opinion anyone that would support any claim to themselves or others as being superior has the same mentality as Hitler. Superior race.

I understand the part of the quote about taking action rather than just talking about it. “Walk the walk don’t talk the talk” and all that jazz. Etc.

What’s really funny is that the people that use quotes like this are inferior or average as the quote says. They seem to quote other people all of the time be cause they are “average” and “talk oriented”. I’m not saying that because I feel superior. I am superior. Ha. Just kidding folks. Sure at times I have felt a little superior to some people but I never voiced it. It went away. Most of my life I had to fight feeling inferior only to realize that we are all different and our own demons to face. Sure, I hate people sometimes and prefer some over others but I’m not superior. I’m different.

Maybe I’m a humanitarian or the 12-step programs and the self help gurus I read have influenced my outlook on people but I don’t like the idea of superiority. I don’t like self-righteous people that make statements like that quote or support that quote. Through my experience the real “winners” as some people call them are the ones that face their problems and live their daily life and struggles and get through them and keep facing them and survive. They take action and live through it. These are the people I look up to.

I think I’m aggravated because I hate self righteous judgmental pricks and this quote I saw reminded me of every person I know that has judged me and thinks that they are better than me and almost everyone they know that isn’t following the same rules as they are.

“One of the marks of a good successful person is helping others as you help yourself. One of the marks of a failure is acting, thinking like a self-righteous judgmental asshole that talks too much and does nothing.” Rich Hillen Jr

Wicked Smile

August 16, 2011

The gray wired stem cell recedes as your infected fingers touch it.

Look at the first thing you hear and find the weak spot and torch it with your flame broiled tongue.

Lick it.

Tease me with your green-clouded carcass and my tight gray eyes loosen slightly enough to absorb your fantasy.

My fantasy.

A crowd gathers and gathers watching. Looking. Gazing.

At us. At you.

At me.

Your over qualified charms releases it’s grasp and backs off.

A clear candied sludge covers my smile. Your smile widens and you laugh wickedly. Wicked.

It’s my face. Whispering sweet nonsense. Mumbling my monstrous innocence. Crying for something I think you have.

I want.

Come here before you go. Sit on my jellyfish clammy lap and try not to fall off and run away.

From me.

Go now, dear lethargic lethal lover.


Heat Again

July 22, 2011

I hate the summer. I hate the summer in New Jersey. I hate the heat and humidity in New Jersey in the summer. Maybe I don’t hate the summer as much as I hate what it brings to me. I’ve lived in New Jersey most of my life with the exception of Philadelphia and it’s the same there.


I did have a brief stay in San Francisco, California. I spent an entire summer there and I loved it. It was summer. It was hot. The humidity was low enough that I didn’t break a sweat. I want that. No humidity. Northern California seems to be the best weather for me.


I wonder why I feel like I suffer and complain about it more than most people that live in New Jersey in the summer. I know that when I am heavier the humidity affects me more than when I weigh less. It still annoys me. I am naturally a sweat machine. I drink water non stop all day because I drink coffee. I know the coffee can dehydrate me and make me sweat but not like I do. Why does my body react so bad to the Jersey heat? I know someone that loves to sweat and the hotter the better. It’s 102 degrees Farenheit  or 39 Celcius today. People are purposely outside enjoying the sweat and the sun burning their skin. I helped my mom out moving things around for over an hour on the non-air conditioned floor of the house. I drove up and back with no air conditioning in my car. When I arrived home I was soaking wet from head to toe. I had to drink several glasses of water and stay still to avoid feeling sick. Why? Why my body?


I don’t ask why in a “poor me” way. I ask because I want to know why. I’ve always assumed it was genes. It’s not a learned behavior because everyone I’ve known growing up has never had a problem like me. People complain about the heat when it’s like today but then they are outside all of the time enjoying the heat and the sun.


I’ve done some internet research through the years and I’ve found massive amounts o other people talking about the same problem and asking the same questions. No answers. I’ve found out about heat related disorders and how to handle the heat but nothing about why certain people are sensitive to it. I’ve always thought that it might be my bloodline. My heritage. My ancestor’s are from colder climates. It doesn’t seem to be directly genetic. My family can handle the heat way better than I can. They don’t like it but it doesn’t seem to affect them the same as me.


So I’ll just keep drinking water and try to stay in as much as possible. When I have to go out then I’ll deal with it. It’s better than writing a blog complaining about it. Oh. I just did.




The Artsy Girl – an Excerpt from my novel Yellow Socks

July 11, 2011

The Artsy Girl (as it originally appeared in Yellow Socks: Confessions of a Non-Don Juan)


Living with Terry and Morton was a blast. They were both in their early thirties and I was in my late twenties. We are all artists in one way or another and we were all on the prowl for the ladies as we clumsily tried to pick them up at coffee shops, AA meetings, bars, art shows and anywhere else we thought that we could find our type.


Our types varied. Terry was obsessed with finding a “Vampire chick” or a “Goth Chick’. Ironically he dressed kind of standard 1988 in 1995. He had that bob cut hair. It was kind of long on the sides and real short in the back. Morton was after the “Rocker Chick Slut” or the “New Age Hippie chick.” He usually dressed the part either wearing his new age outfit or his Rock star clothes. He had long black died hair. As for me, I stood by with my usual requirements: any good-looking girl that actually liked me. We rarely found what we were looking for after obsessing day and night about these fantasy girls we would never have. We had fun in our bonding of failures with the ladies.


We all lived in a house that Terry owned in a town on the outskirts of Camden, NJ. It was a poor neighborhood and was becoming racially mixed. It was mostly poor minorities and white trash. The chances of ever seeing hot chicks that fit our tastes were next to impossible.


Then she appeared. A young girl of maybe seventeen walked by our house every day around 5:30 pm. She dressed a little on the “alternative” side. It was around the end of the grunge years and that’s when the poor neighborhoods usually take over a style is when the middle class is done with it. Always a step behind. Kind of like us. So Terry nicknamed her the “Artsy Girl” because he says she dresses artsy. It was a style that was once artsy but not now. The three of us became obsessed with her. Everyday at 5:30 one of us would call to the others “Artsy Girl!” and we’d all come running to the kitchen window to see her.


“Artsy Girl!” I said.


“Where?” Terry said.


“I don’t see her. Did I miss her?” Morton said.


“Stop fucking with us, man. This is the highlight of our day. We don’t need to be teased.” Terry said.


“Sorry. I just think that it’s funny that we all start salivating the minute someone rings the Artsy Girl bell.” I said.


She was cute in her little flowered dresses and her Doc Martins. She had medium length reddish brown hair and pretty brown eyes.


One day I was walking home from the train and I ended up walking home with her. She didn’t acknowledge ever seeing me before. Thank God. She didn’t know what a letch I was. Her name was Megan. She just got out of High School. She was going to start working at the local convenience store. I was going to hit on her then I realized that she was just a regular little girl. That’s ok but not for me. When we got to my house I felt sadness in her eyes that I was going home without hitting on her or asking her for her phone number. After getting to know her the thrill of the “Artsy Girl” vanished. I realized that I am not the letch I thought. She was too young and too inexperienced in life.


I still fucked with the roommates though. I still gave them the mating call of the Artsy Girl. They still kept a running. I never felt the same again.

Purchase your copy of Yellow Socks; Confessions of a Non-Don Juan here.