“Dumb Bitches Who Eat Diarrhea Out of the Gutter “

Racism sucks. It’s stupid and even silly. I’ve had my moments of prejudice or judgment but I can’t hate a group for people based on their color or religion. I make a lot of jokes about races, religions etc. Stereotypes. I even make them to the people who fall into the categories. Years ago I worked with a black friend and we were always slinging racist words at each other. Mostly in front of people for shock value. Then we’d go get high after work and hang out. I joke with my Japanese friend. I dated an Indian girl not too long ago and I even made jokes with her. When I make a joke about race or religion I don’t mean it and I usually do it with people that understand that. I just think it’s funny. I don’t believe in it.


In June 2010 I posted a video tributing the beauty of Indian women that I happen to find attractive. I find all races attractive and love women for who they are. I used a classic Indian Pop song from 1965 from a movie called Gumnaam called  Jaan Pehechaan Ho by Mohammed Rafi. Great song by the way. Anyway I loved the song and the images and it was an immediate hit. Of course none of my original music or spoken word goes over this well. I had near 1,800 hits by July then my first comment.


It said:

“There are no hot women in india. They are all disgusting, stinky, ugly, dumb bitches who eat diarrhea out of the gutter because they have no money.”


I responded:

“This video has been up for almost a month and over 1,800 views and this is the only comment I get. Oh brother.”


A few months went by and I somehow missed the following comment from someone else.


It said:

“go and take a shower u fucken indian bitch !!! the smell of curry is coming out from my screen..”


Then 2 days ago I was happy that I got another comment. Then I read it.


It said:

“what else u expected when you uploated pics of south Indian witches”


I responded:

“31,149 views since June and counting. You helped the count. Thanks.”


It’s up to 31, 916 views as of right now. In 2 days over 800 views. Weird. I have this up since June 2010 and I have that many views and I get 3 comments and they are all racist. Geesh.


I’ll probably make more of all nationalities and piss off people by loving everyone. Does it make me a hater if I hate those who hate?


5 Responses to “Dumb Bitches Who Eat Diarrhea Out of the Gutter “

  1. People really let out their inner jackass on Youtube. Seriously! If I don’t like something, I’m not going to watch it. Therefore it surprises me when I see a bunch of negative comments on videos, I always think, “If you hate the shit so much, why the fuck are you even on it???” URRRGGGHHH. It pisses me off. 🙂

    Sorry, I just continued your rant. Also- the comments are horrible. WTF is wrong with people?

  2. Oh yeah, and talk about a catchy title. When I got the email, I was like, what the hell? 😉

    • richhillenjr says:

      Thanks for your rant. I had to use the title. The best titles usually come from the writing. I was going to call it something lame like “Racism sucks” or “Indian Girls Rule”.

  3. newagerocker says:

    I’d lick Padma Lakshmi’s scar and eat her diarrhea out of the gutter. Funny you should bring Indian racism up, my friend, Gautam, (who is from India b.t.w.) just called me up and might have a job for me making a shit load of money. We bonded over the Ralphie May video about the Chinese buffet. I’ve always had Indian friends, although I’ve never dated one… Maybe it is the diarrhea thing… FUCK! I’m totally racist against people with diarrhea breath. I hate myself.

    • richhillenjr says:

      Congrats on the job! I wonder what race the people were that left the comments. I remember when 911 went down and everyone was mean to Indians.
      Love that Ralphie May skit. You just wanted to say diarrhea over and over didn’t you?

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