Miss You (A Poem)

December 20, 2011

NOTE- I wrote this over a month ago when a special someone in my life seemed to have disappeared. It’s much better now but this poem is based on how I felt at the time. You know who you are.


Miss you

I do


I keep thinking it’s something I did

Or didn’t do


I thought we were mates

Of the soul

Unconditional love

Now you’re gone


I understand you have a life

You have problems too

I’ve been too self-centered

To notice


I notice

I do


Are you gone forever

Or just for a little while


Unreturned text messages

Phone calls

Over and over again

Not even a “I’m going through something”

Or a

“I can’t talk now.”


Maybe it’s a hint that

You don’t want me

Like me

Love me

Or miss me